Three Layer Salad – A Quick and Fun Fall Treat

Okay, so it’s not exactly a salad – that’s my name for it. I call I that because when my wife first made it, she used the same glass trifle dish she uses for seven-layer salad. I guess the name stuck because it makes us think we’re eating healthier, or something like that.

Pro Tip – Do not fill your dish as full as the one in the photo. It makes it difficult to get anything but the top layer without spilling it all over.

The three ingredients – regular M&Ms, roasted peanuts, and candy corn – provide the perfect blend of salty and sweet that pairs well with pretty much any spicier bourbon (my opinion, of course). I chose Four Roses Single Barrel because I used their ice bucket instead of a trifle dish. I also like it, and I think that is the best reason to drink any bourbon.

Pro Tip – Feel free to swap out the ingredients for something you like better. I’d keep the candy corn in, though, because corn is a main ingredient of bourbon.

Best served in: Dixie cups

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